Company Details

This section allows users to access and edit their company profile information, ensuring accurate representation within the platform.

  • Company Name: Enter your officially registered company name. Ex- "Shoe Studio"

  • Website URL: Include the web address for your company website. Ex-

  • Your Role: Select your current position within the company from the provided options.

    • Founder/Co-founder

    • C-level/SVP

    • VP/Director/Lead

    • Product Manager

    • Marketer

  • Monthly Traffic: Choose the range that best represents your company's average monthly website visitors. This helps us tailor our resources and recommendations to your specific needs.

    • 5,000 to 10,000

    • 10,000 to 1,00,000

    • 1,00,000 to 5,00,000

    • 5,00,000 to 1 million

    • 1 million to 5 million

    • More than 5 million

  • Company Size: Indicate the approximate number of employees working at your company.

    • 1-10

    • 11-50

    • 51-200

    • 201-500

    • 500+

Last updated