Persistent Menu

A Persistent Menu is a fixed set of options available to users at all times, providing quick access to core functionalities. It acts as a primary navigation tool, enhancing user experience and engagement.

Creating a Persistent Menu

  1. Access Persistent Menu Settings:

    • Navigate to the main settings or configuration area of your Frontman platform.

    • Locate the Persistent Menu section or tab.

  2. Add a New Persistent Menu:

    • Click on the "Add New" button to initiate the creation of a new menu.

    • Provide a unique name or identifier for the menu (e.g., "Main Menu").

  3. Define Menu Items:

    • Specify the options that will appear in the persistent menu.

    • For each menu item:

      • Enter the text to be displayed.

      • Select the desired action or destination linked to the item (e.g., opens a specific section, triggers a chatbot flow).

  4. Customize Menu Appearance:

    • Choose the visual style and layout for the persistent menu (e.g., number of columns, button styles).

    • Consider the platform's design guidelines for consistency.

  5. Set Menu Order:

    • Arrange the menu items in the desired order of appearance.

    • Prioritize frequently used options for better visibility.

  6. Add Conditions (Optional):

    • Define specific conditions under which the menu items or the entire menu should appear (e.g., user role, device type).

  7. Test and Preview:

    • Thoroughly test the persistent menu on different devices and platforms to ensure optimal display and functionality.

    • Preview the menu's appearance to make necessary adjustments.

  8. Publish the Menu:

    • Save and publish the persistent menu to make it accessible to users.


  • Delete: Remove a Menu from the system by simply clicking on the"Delete" button.

  • Select All/Reset Stats: Perform bulk actions on multiple Menus

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