Amazon SNS

This section details how Frontman leverages Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) to send SMS notifications to your users. Here, we'll guide you through configuring your AWS account and Frontman settings for successful SMS delivery.

Understanding Amazon SNS:

Frontman utilizes Amazon SNS, a powerful AWS service, to deliver SMS notifications to your users. This service acts as a central hub for sending messages across various communication channels, including SMS. However, the number of SMS messages Frontman can send on your behalf depends on your individual sending limit within your AWS account.


To configure Frontman for SMS notifications via SNS, you'll need the following information:

  • Access Key ID & Secret Access Key: These credentials are unique to your AWS account and grant Frontman access to your SNS service for sending messages. You can find these keys within the AWS Management Console under "Security Credentials."

To access Amazon web services do add your particular region in the URL -

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  • Region Name: Specify the AWS region where your SNS service is located. Common regions include "us-east-1" (Virginia) or "ap-south-1" (Mumbai).

Configuring Frontman:

Once you have your AWS credentials and region details, navigate to the Frontman settings and locate the section dedicated to SMS notifications. Here, you'll be able to enter your access key ID, secret access key, and region name to establish the connection with your SNS service.

Testing and Sending SMS:

Frontman provides a "Send Test SMS" option within the settings. This allows you to verify your configuration by sending a test message to a designated phone number (including country code). Once successful, you can activate SMS notifications for your Chatman workflows and begin sending vital updates directly to your users' mobile phones.

Please note: While Frontman facilitates the use of SNS for SMS notifications, the actual number of messages you can send is governed by your individual sending limit within your AWS account. For more information on managing your sending limits or upgrading your plan, please refer to the official AWS SNS documentation.

Last updated