Run-IF Card

The RUN-IF card empowers you to create dynamic and personalized conversation flows within your AI stories. This card allows you to conditionally skip sections of your story based on user attributes, guiding users through the most relevant paths.

How it Works:

  1. Add a RUN-IF Card: Drag and drop a RUN-IF card onto your story canvas at the desired location.

  2. Define the Condition: Click on "Add condition" within the card. Here, you can specify the user attribute you want to evaluate and the comparison operator. The system provides various operators like:

    • Starts With

    • Ends With

    • Equal To

    • Not Equal To

    • Contains

    • Not Contains

    • Less Than

    • Greater Than

    • Is Set

  3. Select the Value: Enter the specific value you want to compare the user attribute against (e.g., a specific user ID, a subscription status, etc.).

  4. Choose Target Cards (Optional): Below the condition section, you'll see "Select cards to run if above conditions are true." This allows you to define which cards in your story should be skipped if the user attribute meets the specified condition. If no cards are selected, the entire flow will jump to the next block after the RUN-IF card.

Example Scenario:

Imagine you have a story designed to offer product recommendations. You can utilize a RUN-IF card to personalize the experience. Here's how:

  • Condition: Attribute {{subscription_level}} Equal To "Premium"

  • Target Cards: Skip all basic product recommendations.

This configuration ensures that premium users bypass the basic product recommendations and proceed directly to recommendations tailored for their subscription level.

Last updated