Data Loaders

The Data Loader is a tool within Instinct AI that allows users to import various file formats for training purposes. There are several loaders available, each catering to specific data sources.

Types of Loaders

  • Document Loader: This loader supports importing data from common document formats like PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, CSV, and MD.

  • Crawl Website: Enter the URL of a website to extract content and import it.

  • Notes: Use frontman Private Notes builder to add information to Train AI. You can add data by simply adding Title and Description of the note and adding related Citations(if available).

  • Google Drive: Connect your Google Drive account to access and import files.

  • Amazon S3: Connect your Amazon S3 storage account to import files.

  • Gitbook: Connect your Gitbook account to import content from your repositories.

  • Microsoft OneDrive: Connect your OneDrive account to import files.

  • Notion: Connect your Notion account to import content from your workspaces.

  • RSS Feed Connector: Connect an RSS feed URL to import data from frequently updated sources.

  • Shopify Blog Connector: Connect your Shopify store to import blog posts for training.

  • Zendesk Connector: This connector imports all supported file types from your Zendesk knowledge base for training Instinct AI.

  • Knowledge Base: Select the specific Zendesk knowledge base you want to import data from.

  • Image Parser

    The Image Parser is a tool within Instinct AI designed to process image data for training purposes.

    Supported Formats: The Image Parser can handle various image formats, including: * PNG * JPG / JPEG * WEBP

    The parser can also extract images from: * PPTX presentations * PDF documents (if they contain images)

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