
Drag and drop interactive elements with text, images, buttons, and other options for user engagement to your story builder

Story Builder uses cards as building blocks for your narratives.

Learn about different types of Cards

  • Drag-and-Drop Elements: The Story Builder provides a set of pre-built elements you can easily drag and drop onto the canvas to construct your chat flow. These elements include:

  • Display Cards: These are the content powerhouses. Text, images, videos – anything that makes up the story itself goes here. Think of them as the scenes and details that bring your narrative to life.

Display Cards
  • Utility Cards: These go beyond just displaying content. They allow you to control the flow of your story. Imagine them as directors, adding twists with branching narratives or creating pauses for dramatic effect.

Utility Cards
  • Plugin Cards: Ever wish Story Builder could do even more? Plugin cards make that dream a reality. They connect Story Builder with external tools and services, expanding its functionalities to new heights.

Plugin Cards

  • Saved: Re-use pre-defined conversation snippets or responses within your story for consistency and efficiency.

  • Assets: Integrate multimedia elements like images, videos, or documents to enhance the user experience.

  • Attributes: Dynamically capture user information during the conversation for personalization or future reference. Learn More

Last updated