Quick Reply

Quick Reply cards offer a powerful tool for managing conversational flow and user preferences within your AI stories.

How it Works?

The Quick Reply card empowers you to create a set of pre-defined response options for users, temporarily pausing the conversation flow until they choose one.

  1. Add Quick Reply (Max 9 Blocks): You can define up to 9 response options for users to choose from.

  1. Button Name & Block Link: Assign a clear and concise name to each button and link it to the corresponding block within your story. This establishes a clear connection between the option and its destination.

  1. "Add Reply" Button: Utilize this button to add more response options as needed, ensuring you capture a wider range of user preferences.

  1. Save as Attribute: Leverage attribute notation ({{ }}) within button names to save user selections as attributes. This enables future reference and personalized conversation experiences.

User Attributes
  1. Stack Replies Vertically: Enable this toggle to stack the buttons vertically within the chat window. This can be visually appealing for a smaller number of options, particularly on mobile devices.

  1. Enable Instinct AI (Optional): This functionality may be context-dependent within your system. If available, it allows you to optionally hand over conversation control to your Instinct AI engine based on user input.

Last updated