Chatbot Details

This document outlines the configuration parameters and functionalities available for customizing the chatbot's appearance and content.

Business Branding

  • Business Logo: A visual representation of the business.

    • Supported formats: .png, .jpg, .gif

    • Maximum dimensions: 200px width, 40px height

Website Information

  • Website URL: The official website address of the business (e.g.,

  • Website Name: A short, descriptive name for the website (e.g., Dev).

Business Description

  • Business Bio: A brief overview of the business and its offerings.

  • AI Assistant: An AI-powered tool to automatically generate or modify the business bio.

    • Auto create: Generates a business bio based on available information.

    • Make it Shorter: Reduces the length of the current business bio.

    • Make it Longer: Expands the length of the current business bio.

    • Simplify the sentence: Rephrases a selected sentence for better clarity.

    • Let AI rewrite for you: Replaces the entire business bio with a new AI-generated version.


Once you are done with changes make sure to save the changes.

Technical Notes

  • Image formats and dimensions are essential for maintaining visual consistency across platforms.

  • The AI Assistant utilizes advanced natural language processing techniques to generate and modify text content.

  • User profile pictures are currently under development and will be implemented in a future release.

Last updated