
The Insights dashboard offers comprehensive data visualization and analysis tools to help you understand how your AI is performing. It provides key metrics to measure its effectiveness and identify areas for potential improvement.

Key Metrics Provided by Insights

  • Response Generated: This metric reflects the total number of responses generated by your AI during the selected time period.

  • Response Time: This metric indicates the average time it takes for your AI to generate a response to a user query. A lower response time signifies faster and more efficient interactions.

  • Chats Copied: This metric (if applicable) tracks the number of times users have copied chat transcripts for further reference or documentation.

  • Time Saved: This metric (if applicable) estimates the total time saved by users through AI-powered chat interactions compared to traditional methods.

  • Helpful/Not Helpful Ratings: These metrics (if applicable) gauge user satisfaction with the AI's responses. A high "Helpful" rating indicates user satisfaction.

Understanding "Most Cited Documents"

Within the Insights dashboard, the "Most Cited Documents" section identifies the documents most frequently referenced by the AI during its response generation process. This information can be valuable for:

  • Identifying Knowledge Gaps: Documents frequently referenced may indicate areas where additional training data might be beneficial.

  • Optimizing Content: Analyzing cited documents can help ensure the AI has access to the most relevant and up-to-date information.

  • Evaluating Training Data: The "Most Cited Documents" section can provide insights into the effectiveness of your existing training data.

Accessing and Downloading Insights Data

The Insights dashboard allows you to:

  • Customize Date Range: Select a specific date range to analyze your AI's performance for a particular timeframe.

  • Download Data: Export the Insights data in a format suitable for further analysis or reporting.

By leveraging the Insights feature, you can gain valuable insights into your AI's performance and user interactions, enabling you to optimize and improve its effectiveness over time.

Last updated