😍Create your First Chatbot

This document guides you through creating a new chatbot on frontman. Once you finish the signup process Click on the "Create Chatbot" or "Add New" button within the Frontman Homepage.

Step 1: Chatbot Details:

  • Website URL: Enter the full URL of your website (e.g., https://example.com).

  • Website Name: Enter the name of your website.

  • Business Bio: This section defines what the AI will learn about your business. Here's how to utilize the available options:

    • Describe the information you want the AI to learn about your business.

    • Explain the purpose of the AI assistant (e.g., customer support, lead generation).

    • Identify your target audience (e.g., potential customers, existing clients).

    • Briefly outline your services or products.

  • AI Assistant:

    • Choose "Auto create" to have the platform generate the initial content for your assistant.

    • Utilize the provided editing tools ("Let AI write for you", "Make it Shorter", etc.) to refine the generated description.

Step 2 - Defining AI Goals and Tone:

  • Choose the primary goal of your AI assistant from the available options:

    • Customer Support: For assisting users with inquiries and resolving issues.

    • Lead Generation: To capture leads and potential customers.

    • Feedback Collection: To gather user feedback on your services or website.

    • Booking & Reservation: For users to schedule appointments or make reservations.

    • Technical Support: To provide technical assistance to users.

    • Shopping Assistant: To guide users through the shopping experience.

    • Website Navigation: To help users find specific information on your website.

  • Choose the desired AI tone from the options available (e.g., "Intelligent and knowledgeable").

Step 3 - Train AI:

  • Website URLs: (Optional) Provide additional website URLs related to your business or industry to further train the AI.

  • Company Documents: (Optional) Upload relevant documents like brochures, FAQs, or product descriptions to further enhance the AI's knowledge base (maximum 20 MB per file, various formats supported).

Step 4 - Install Chatbot:

  • Install Frontman on Website: Follow the instructions provided to integrate the chatbot onto your website. This typically involves copying and pasting a code snippet into the <head> section of your website's HTML code.

  • Email instructions: Choose this option to receive detailed installation instructions via email.

  • Install Frontman on Website: Follow the instructions provided to integrate the chatbot onto your website. This typically involves copying and pasting a code snippet into the <head> section of your website's HTML code.

  • Email instructions: Choose this option to receive detailed installation instructions via email.

    Your Email Instructions will look something like this-

  • After pasting the code click into your website Click on "Go to Dashboard" button and view your chatbot

  • After pasting the code click on "Go to Dashboard" button and view your chatbot

By following these steps, you can create a new chatbot on Frontman platform and customize it to suit your business needs.

Last updated