Google Sheets

This guide will walk you through exporting user data directly to a new Google Sheet. By leveraging Google Sheets connection capabilities, you can easily store and manage your user information within a familiar and collaborative environment.


  • A Google Account

  • Access to the application/platform where you want to export user data

Steps to integrate:

  1. Connect Your Google Account: Within the application or platform where you want to export data, locate the option to connect your Google account. This might be found under settings, integrations, or a dedicated export section. Upon selecting this option, you'll be prompted to sign in with your Google account.

  2. Create a New Spreadsheet: Once connected, you'll be presented with the option to create a new Google Sheet to store the exported data. This creates a blank spreadsheet within your Google Drive specifically for this purpose.

  3. Select User Attributes: Choose the specific user attributes (data points) you want to export to the spreadsheet. This selection process will vary depending on the application, but commonly includes options like names, email addresses, timestamps, and user IDs.

User Attributes
  1. Initiate Export: Once you've selected the desired attributes, initiate the export process. The application will gather the user data and populate the newly created Google Sheet.

Connection Details:

This connection utilizes Google's OAuth 2.0 authorization framework, ensuring secure and permission-based data access. For developers looking to implement this functionality, refer to the dedicated setup documentation (link: Setup here). This documentation provides detailed instructions on configuring OAuth 2.0 for Google Sheets integration, including the required scopes (permissions) for data access.

Advanced Customization (Optional)

This guide covers the basic export, but there's also an option for more advanced customization. Let's take an example of new user onboarding and you want to feed data in your HR google sheet so for now we take 3 field which are Employee Name, Employee ID and Employee Designation. Let's take them in the user attributes of Employee Name - {{emp_name}}, Employee ID - {{emp_id}}, Employee Designation- {{emp_designation}}

  1. Using user attributes you set can set key value pairs like this {{emp_id}} = John, {{emp_id}} = 002 and {{emp_designation}} = Product Manager.

  1. These placeholders are then passed to your Google Sheet as parameters, filling the first row with user information.

  1. Than, you can connect another Google Sheet through auto suggest card with its own attribute(denoted by "make"). This allows you to combine data from both sources into a single table in a row-column combination in a tabular way using formulas like {{make}} will be at 0 index and will give headers to the sheet. Than we can pass the values which we got from user attributes like this {{make_emp_name}} {{make_emp_id}} {{make_emp_designation}}.

  1. Once you are all set you can run your chatbot and add a "BOT SAYS" card to see the recently passed inputs in chatbot too once you run it.

  1. Your output will have headers and the recently added entry will be filled into that so you can easily maintain your sheets without thinking about personally keeping a track over it.

While this advanced option offers more flexibility, the basic export is a great way to get started with managing user data in Google Sheets.

Last updated