Auto suggest

How it Works?

The Auto-suggest card empowers users with a powerful search-as-you-type functionality, seamlessly integrated with Instinct AI. This navigational feature helps users discover relevant keywords and phrases as they begin typing, ultimately improving search accuracy and efficiency.

Getting Started:

  1. Start Typing: Simply begin typing your desired keywords in the "Start typing..." field.

  2. Upload Suggestion List:

    The core of Auto-Suggest lies in the pre-defined list of suggestions. To activate the feature, upload your list of keywords or phrases as an asset. Supported upload methods include:

    • File Upload: Directly upload a file containing your suggestion list.

    • Webhook: Integrate with a third-party system to dynamically populate suggestions.

    • Google Sheets: Leverage Google Sheets for a familiar and collaborative approach to managing suggestions.

  3. Save as Attribute (Optional):

    Enclose your chosen suggestion within double curly braces ({{}}) to save it as an attribute. This enables further interaction with the selected term within your workflow.

    Example: Typing "weather" and selecting "San Francisco" can be saved as {{weather.SanFrancisco}}.

Advanced Settings:

  • Process Reply by Instinct AI:

    Enable this option to allow Instinct AI to recognize and process user-selected items from the suggestions list. This opens up possibilities for further interaction and analysis within your workflow.

  • Allow Multiple Selection:

    Activate this feature to permit users to choose multiple items from the provided suggestions.

  • Auto-Open:

    Configure the Auto-Suggest drawer to automatically open after a specified delay (1-9 seconds). This can be helpful for reducing initial user interaction while still offering suggestions readily.

  • Allow Free Input:

    Enable this option to allow users to enter terms not present in the uploaded list. This provides flexibility and caters to unforeseen search queries, while the bot or Instinct AI can attempt to recognize and process free-form input.

Last updated