Recent News

The Recent News AI Agent is a tool designed to provide users with the latest news on a given topic. It leverages AI to search and process information from various news sources, delivering concise and relevant summaries.

How to Use it

  1. Access AI Agents: Navigate to the AI Agents section within the platform.

  2. Select Agent: Choose the "Recent News" agent from the available options.

  3. Deploy Agent: Click on the "Deploy" button to initiate the agent creation process.

  4. Agent Configuration:

    • Agent Name: Assign a unique identifier or descriptive name to the agent (e.g., "News Updates").

    • Prompt Description: Provide a brief explanation of the agent's function (e.g., "Searches for the latest news on a specified topic").

    • Default Prompt: Edit the provided default prompt ("Search latest news about the topic") to refine the agent's behavior if necessary. For instance, you can specify preferred news sources, desired output format, or target audience.

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