Direct Link

The Direct Link content provides a mechanism for users to initiate chat sessions with a bot directly from a specified block on a webpage. This content element offers flexibility in managing chat sessions, allowing for both continued and new conversations.


  • Direct Link: A unique URL is generated for each block on a webpage that can be used to initiate a chat session with the bot.

  • Chat Session Initiation: Clicking on the Direct Link opens a new chat session or continues an existing one based on the provided parameters.

  • URL Customization: The basic URL structure can be modified by appending a specific identifier (e.g., #block_name) to target different blocks on the same webpage.

Direct Link Structure

  • Base URL: This is the core URL that remains constant for all Direct Links associated with a particular bot.

  • Block Identifier: An optional parameter that specifies the block on the webpage from which the Direct Link originates.

    • Format: #block_name

    • Purpose: Allows for multiple Direct Links on a single page to initiate different chat sessions.

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