Manual Add
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All the journey with manual add as a starting point, gets started as soon as you add a customer manually.
A customer reaches out to a online clothing store via a different channel say a website chat but that agent isn't able to handle the query so he/she adds the customer to Chatman for better assistance.
Explanation: As soon as the customer service representative manually adds the customer to the Chatman, the journey gets started where the customer receives an immediate response as a template, and when they respond the journey starts that provide them relevant answers regarding the query, and agent support (if required).
How can you create the same scenario in journey? Let's dive into the step.
We need to set manual add as a starting point so we select Manual Add under business initiated journey.
Choose a message template that, when sent to the customers and if they respond with the desired reply, they are directed to the journey flow.
For the scenario above, we have a template called 'order customer support,' we select that. Tap below to see the sample template:
If you don't have a template, tap here to create.
It's recommended to create templates with button replies to ease down the process of conversation and AI can match the intent clearly to initiate the journey flow.
Once you have opted for a template with ‘quick replies’, its preview will be displayed on the right side of the screen (If not tap 'edit' button beside template drop-down). You can set attributes for the dynamic variables in the template.
As per the template sample above we have two dynamic fields one in header and the other in body message.
In the header we want the fields to replace the user first name so we select User Attributes>first Name.
In the body message we replace the field with business name. For the same we select Custom Attribute>Business name.
There are many attributes you can choose as per your needs and wants.
Attributes selected, replaces the {{ " "}} in the template. In this case, it replaces the {{ }} in 'header' with the first and last name in the body.
Tap ‘Save’ templates.
Enter an attribute name. This is where the user response gets saved, which decides whether the journey will continue or terminate.
For the time being, let's name our attribute as User Reply.
This is where the journey flow starts based on the user response to the template sent above.
We will use different cards like display cards, rules cards, utility cards and plugin cards to create the journey.
Creating the Journey Flow.
Three cases arise here as the customer can tap either: Track Order, Cancel Order or Others on the template.
If the Customer tap Track Order in the template we add a run if card.
If the Customer tap Others in the template we add a run if card.
The run-if card added checks whether the customer response saved in the User reply matches with the value provided in it or not. For the same, we enter the attribute name as 'User Reply', set the condition to 'Is', and enter the value as Track Order.
The run-if card added checks whether the customer response saved in the User reply matches with the value provided in it or not. For the same, we enter the attribute name as 'User Reply', set the condition to 'Is', and enter the value as Cancel Order.
The run-if card added checks whether the customer response saved in the User reply matches the value provided in it or not. For the same, we enter the attribute name as 'User Reply', set the condition to 'Is', and enter the value as Others.
Cards placed after handoff does not run and so the journey gets completed when the flow moves to it.
As soon as a customer added to Chatman, the template is sent automatically.
insert chat ss
Now, when the customer taps on any template button, their response gets saved and is then matched with the value in the run-if card. If it matches, the next card runs, asks questions, and displays the details accordingly.
For example, if a customer taps on Track Order, the flow starts and matches the value with the run-if card; once satisfied, the track order card runs, asks questions to the customer as designed and displays the result.
insert chat ss
The chat doesn't end here until the flow moves to the end conversation card; if the customer taps cancel an order after tapping the track order (above), the flow moves to cancel the order and ask the questions as designed in the card and displays results accordingly.
insert chat ss
Similarly, if the customer tap Others, the chat will be assigned to the agent selected and the conversation gets closed.
If the Customer tap Track Order in the template we add a .
We now add a that asks relevant questions from customers, checks and reverts back with the details, if available.
We now add a that asks relevant questions from customers, checks and reverts back with the details, if available.
For all the customers who tap 'Others', the flow moves to the added with an agent expert at solving order-related queries.