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Integrating HubSpot with Chatman helps you sync your contacts seamlessly between both the platforms.
You need a Scale or enterprise plan to integrate Hubspot with Chatman.
You need to have a Hubspot account to integrate it with Chatman. If you don't have, tap here to create.
Head over to Settings>Developer Hub> Application.
Scroll down and under Hubspot tap 'Connect.'
Under Integration tap Install App.
Tap sign in to your hubspot account, if you don't have a account tap 'create new hubspot account.'
Tap sign in with google and select the Id you have Hubspot account with.
A dashboard similar to the image below appears, choose the Hubspot account you want to integrate with Chatman and tap 'Choose account.'
A page similar to the image below appears, tap Connect App.
Chatman will now be integrated with Hubspot. You can check it in Hubspot: Settings>Account Setup>Integrations>Connected Apps.
Once integrated you can use it to
However, first, you need to know how you can create a contact in Hubspot that helps create both.