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Go to the Journey tab in your Chatman account dashboard. This tab shows you the list of journeys that you have created using the Journey tab.
Choose the journey that you want to analyze from the table and click on the analytics icon on the right hand side of the same row. This will open the statistics page for that particular journey.
Head over to the Report tab to check the report of that particular journey. The report tab shows you the detailed information about the customers who have participated in the journey, such as their name, contact, status, last active time, etc.
On the report tab, you can see the following options:
Calendar: This allows you to select the date range for which you want to see the report. You can choose from predefined options such as today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 30 days, this month, last month, or custom range. After selecting the date range, click on Apply to update the report.
Add Filter: This allows you to filter the report by various attributes, such as user attributes, custom attributes, Shiprocket attributes, Shopify attributes, or survey attributes. You can select the attribute that you want to filter by and then choose the value or condition that you want to apply.
For example, you can filter by user attribute “gender” and select “female” to see only the female customers who have participated in the journey.
Table Report: This shows you the table of the customers who have participated in the journey, along with their details. You can do the following actions on the table report:
Search: You can search for a specific customer by their phone number or name. You can enter the phone number or name in the search box, and the table will show you the matching results.
Table Customization: You can customize the columns that you want to see in the table report. You can click on the table customization icon and select the checkboxes for the columns that you want to include or exclude. The available columns are: Triggered on, Customer Name, Contact, Status, WhatsApp Opted, Last Active, Referred, Customer Id, External Customer ID, Custom Attributes.
Tick mark the box by tapping on checkbox to see the results according to attribute selected and vice-versa.