Display Cards
Conveys message in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner.
Last updated
Conveys message in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner.
Last updated
Display cards are a type of message card that allow you to design rich and interactive journeys. It can be used to create engaging and personalized customer journeys, such as product discovery, booking confirmation, feedback collection, and more.
Chatman offers a list of display cards to make journeys that persuade the customers to take actions aligning with your journey goal.
Let's explore all the display card Chatman offers, you can take deep dive in any of the mention cards by tapping the respective page links.
Use this card to send Text messages.
Use this card to send a Video+Text message.
Use this card to send an Audio message.
Use this card to send an Image+Text message
Use this card to present your message in the form of text, image, video, or audio. It is just like making a real-time template in the journey itself.
Use this card to send a message in the form of a Document.
Use this card to gather information about the customer, like personal details, travel information, reviews for new products or services, etc.
Use this card to suggest available product categories, travel packages, service options, language options, or restaurant options to the customers.
Train your bot to answer user queries by using this card.
Use this card to send a URL+Text message.
Use this card to send multiple product details to the customer.
Use this card to send single product details to the customer.
Use this card to collect Address details from the customer.