Shiprocket Track Order

Shiprocket Track Order card allows you to track a shipment from Shiprocket courier service and send a status update message to the customer. You can configure the tracking number, the courier name, and the message template.

You can use a Track Order card to keep your customers informed about their shipment status and provide a satisfying shopping experience.

Using Shiprocket Card

Using Track Order

  1. Verify order: You need to ask the customer to enter their order AWB number, which is a unique identifier for their shipment. For example, you can send a message like this:

“Hello, welcome to Shiprocket. To track your order, please enter your AWB number. You can find it in your order confirmation email or SMS.”

  1. Validation message: You need to validate the AWB number entered by the customer and check if it exists in your database. If it does, you can proceed to the next step. If not, you can send an error message and ask the customer to try again. For example, you can send a message like this:

“Thank you for entering your AWB number. We are validating it. Please wait for a moment.”

  1. Fulfillment message: You need to fetch the tracking details of the order from your database and send them to the customer. You can include information such as the current shipment status, the pickup date, the expected delivery date, and the courier partner. For example, you can send a message like this:

Current shipment status for your order #{{shiprocket_order_number}} is {{shiprocket_shipment_status}} placed on {{shiprocket_order_creation_date}}. Here is your tracking ID: {{shiprocket_tracking_id}}. Click this link to track your order {{shiprocket_tracking_url}}

  1. Regret message: You need to handle the case when there is some issue in tracking the order details, such as a network error, a database error, or a courier error. You can apologize to the customer and ask them to try again later. For example, you can send a message like this:

“Sorry, we cannot track your shipment at this moment. There is some technical issue at our end. Please try again after sometime to check the updates on your shipment status. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.”

You can check and modify other settings for tracking an order under settings > Integration > Shiprocket.

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