Run-If Card
Run this card if specific condition is fulfilled.
Last updated
Run this card if specific condition is fulfilled.
Last updated
Run-IF card allows you to execute a display card or a rules card based on a condition. The condition can be based on a variable, a customer input, a button click, or a time. You can use a Run-IF card to create personalized and relevant customer journeys, such as sending different messages based on the customer’s language, location, or preference.
You need to create the condition that will determine which message or action you will send to the customer.
You can add a filter based on the attributes of the customer. Attributes are pieces of information that you collect or store about the customer, such as their name, phone number, email, location, etc.
You can use user attributes or custom attributes. User attributes are predefined attributes that are automatically collected by WhatsApp, such as language, country code, etc.
Custom attributes are attributes that you create and assign to the customer, such as gender, age, interests, etc.
You can add one or more attributes to your filter and select the conditional logic that will apply to them.
Conditional logic is the rule that will compare the attribute value with the value that you enter. You can choose from Is, Is not, Contains, or Not Contains.
For example, you can create a condition with the filter: Gender (custom attribute) Is Male and Age (custom attribute) Is not 18.
After Run-If card select card to run if added conditions are true. For example, you can select a card that shows the customer a different set of products based on their gender and age.
The cards placed after the Run-If card will run only if the attribute name matches the specified value.