Time Delay Card
Pause your conversation for seconds or minutes.
Last updated
Pause your conversation for seconds or minutes.
Last updated
Time Delay card rule card allows you to pause the conversation for a specified amount of time. The time can be in seconds, minutes, hours, or days. You can use a Time Delay card to create a natural and realistic conversation, such as sending a typing indicator, a read receipt, or a follow-up message.
Place the Time Delay card between the two conversational cards. By doing so, you can control the pacing of the conversation, allowing users to digest information or prepare for the next interaction without feeling rushed. This simple yet effective technique enhances the overall conversational flow and user experience.
You need to enter the value and choose the unit of time that you want to pause your journey/flow for.
The value should be a positive integer and the unit of time should be seconds, minutes, or hours.
For example, you can enter 10 and choose seconds if you want to pause your journey/flow for 10 seconds.